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CNM Auto Repair

Owner: Chris Laboy
Location: Lancaster, PA
Business: Auto Repair Shop
Purpose of Loan: Renovations and Equipment Purchase
Impact: Economic Security

Several years ago, Chris Laboy moved from New York to Lancaster to be closer to family. The experienced mechanic quickly landed a job at a national chain auto care center and soon built a following of loyal customers who would specifically request Chris to work on their cars.

Recognizing an opportunity to start his own shop with an existing client base, Chris put a business plan together and purchased a vacant, deteriorating building in southwest Lancaster City. In 2010, Community First Fund provided a loan to complete renovations and purchase equipment needed to launch the new business, CNM (his three daughters’ initials) Auto Repair. Since then, we have extended additional credit for Chris to expand his services and make further renovations to modernize his facility.

With a loyal clientele and improvements funded by Community First Fund, Chris operates a thriving family business, pays a team of five employees, and keeps the shop running smoothly.